Incoming Recruiting Summary Guide
2024 Season Edition

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If you are interested learning about NCAA-D1 college recruiting trends, then this guide is for you.

Post COVID there has been a seismic shift within the college baseball recruiting landscape.

CBI’s Incoming Recruiting Summary Guide provides in-depth analysis of recruiting trends since the 2022 season.

The following factors have impacted the roster management strategies for most of the baseball programs:

  • COVID waivers
  • Elimination of ~40 Minor league Teams
  • Reduction in MLB Draft rounds
  • Transfer Portal (Walter Beede’s interview with Coach Chester provides a detailed overview of the current state of college baseball recruiting. Watch Part 1 and Part 2 – requires membership.)
  • Roster Expansion
  • NCAA Rules Changes
  • Annual Head Coaching changes
CBI Annual Coaching Changes 2024

Pre-Order today for only $29.95!

Learn in minutes how NCAA-D1 college baseball programs have adjusted their recruiting approaches post COVID.

Sample Content

Conference summary (2022 thru 2024)

School details (2024 season)

CBI Incoming Recruiting Class - ACC 2024

The information provided is the first of its kind,
retail price $39.95, pre-ordered price $29.95.

Pre-Order deadline June 21, 2024.
Tentative eBook release June 28, 2024.

Pre-Order today for only $29.95!